Thursday, June 11, 2009

June 09

Sat past, (our Sunday), the missionaries sang in the service "The Lord's my Shepherd", we got a round of applause, that doesn't happen in Bushvale!! Singing in the church is really good. I can now read Nepali script enough that I can follow the words in the hymn book, and if they repeat enough can have a go at singing along, often don't know what I'm singing about. Differences in church are, taking shoes off to enter, which I find quite gutting sometimes, as for me my shoes are all part of the outfit! Sitting for a very long time on the hard carpet on my bum! Everyone praying out loud at the same time, lots of hand waving. Next week we’re off to another church to see their equivalent of children’s day.

After church today went with a Nepali friend to her house who I hadn't seen for a while( she also works as a ward caretaker at the govt hospital) Used to find her really hard to understand but today was understanding much better which pleased me. She was married at 15, is now 30 and has just started back at adult school. She goes for 2 hours in the a.m. before her work!!!!

Friend has bought a tv so will be keeping up with Wimbledon, electricity allowing. At moment its good only off 4 hours a day. Steve heading out to watch Murray.

Stephen, being kept busy with different INF projects. My language and work SLOWLY plodding long. Today I was being asked for advice and one patient had been booked in specifically for me to see and advise on what to do next. Thank goodness for having a few years behind me. Hope Namrata and I are making a good team, she has the Nepali and I have a bit of knowledge- I hope! Rosie ( who did job before me) has Namrata really well trained, and I feel she’s doing a pretty competent job.

Namrata’s sister got married so after my 3rd day at work Stephen and I were invited to the wedding. It was a long but very colourful affair, and a privilege to be asked.

We have taken our 1st steps out to join the neighbours in the early evening when they enjoy sitting around and having a chat. The children played badminton and skipping with children from across the way. Everyone very friendly and great Nepali practise.